Name - Mike Smith

I enjoy computer(ing)(s), my guitars, my motorcycle, gaming in general, all kinds of music, sci-fi, reading, and just generally being lazy.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fuel woahs

I realize that it is Thursday and that I still haven’t posted about the 4th Annual GGSE Meet n’ Greet, but I’m going to do a topical one today. For now, I’ll just say that we had a blast.

Ok, so gas prices are up, averaging $3.62 across the country. Crude oil is up to $120+ a barrel. However, there is no fuel shortage! We are still putting oil into the reserve! Why they heck am I getting cut off at the pump? I have a 26 gallon tank. I fill it up. I drive it until the low fuel light comes on. (For me, that is about every 3 days) It usually takes anywhere from 21-22 gallons to fill it back up. So now, when I get almost there… the pump cuts off. At $75. This happened last time, 2-3 years ago, when prices jumped significantly. The pumps would quit at $50 then. And I’d have to restart and have an extra charge on my visa for 1-2 gallons. And they add these little signs, “Please be courteous to other customers and limit your purchase to blah, blah, blah.” Look, if I don’t buy it now, I will be back in less than 3 days. It’s unavoidable. It’s gonna happen. Why are you forcing me to stop more often than I have to? THERE’S NO SHORTAGE!


And don’t even get me started today on the stations that remove the handle lock on the pumps. Hello, there is already a perfectly capable safety device in there… But that is a rant for another day.

Anyhoo, I am getting ready to make my first ever vehicle purchase that will be influenced mainly for the sake of fuel economy. I still haven’t decided which route to take. On one hand, I could buy an 8-10 year old car with 100-150k miles on it for around 3-4k, pay cash, and it’ll pay for itself in 8-10 months. After that, as long as it keeps running, I’m coming out ahead, and when it quits, I buy another. On the other hand, I tend to drive vehicles forever. I bought my truck new 9 years and 160k miles ago. I could buy a new, or almost new, economy car. That way, I know it will be getting optimum gas mileage for awhile, and I know I will keep it long enough to make it worthwhile. Also, some of them are available for 0% financing. Anyone out there have an opinion on it?


Laura said...

There are tons of people going the cheap beater route. It's been all over the news. That's the route I'd take if I didn't have such awful luck with beaters. Every beater I've ever had had died a horrible expensive death within a year of purchase. Of course I'm happy with my Mazda 3. It gets decent gas mileage and only has 12K miles on it. If you're comfortable with the beater route go for it. A used Subaru perhaps? They live forever.

Sal Cartusciello said...

You are absolutley right about no shortage. What makes it eve worse is when "clowns" like the ones at Goldman Sachs "predict" $200 a barrel, and then the price shoots up again because of speculaters. Frustrating.

You seem "handy" and more mechanically inclined then me, so a real used auto would not be good for me.